
Always Pracitce Safe Text

A recent study by a group of London scientists has concluded that people are fucking morons while text messaging.

The research was spawned after the mind boggling number of text message related injuries in 2007. London alone had over 6.5 billion accidents that resulted in bodily harm while texting.

The incidents range anywhere from people walking into poles, tripping in potholes, bumping into the wrong people, walking into cars and being shot by people who hate text messagers.

"It's very dangerous," one scientist said. "Hopefully these numbers will make people start paying attention while they're texting and stop being such fucking bloody tampons."

One neighborhood in London has taken precautionary actions, going as far as padding all the lamp posts along their busiest street.

"Apparently our residents are dumber than most," said the mayor. "These bastards can't stop walking in to shit."

Some personal precautions the scientists advise are making sure you pay attention if texting while walking and to stop being such fucking bloody tampons.

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