
Drunk Driver's Ed

A Massachusetts man was charged with a DUI while teaching a driver's ed class after blowing a .233, nearly three times the legal limit. The .233 was just short of the current Massachusetts record (.241) for blood alcohol level while teaching high school.

"I could tell he was feeling good," said 16 year old Alyson Langham. "He gets very handsy when he's that drunk, and he was touching me the entire lesson.

Although he wasn't technically driving, since driver's ed teachers have a brake on their side of the car it makes them eligible for getting a DUI.

"He was sipping out of a cough syrup bottle ever since we left the school," 15 year old Kevin Beakman added. "It's cool he's getting the DUI and all, but had we not got pulled over for a few more minutes, he totally would have got the record. You could just tell it was supposed to be a special day."

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