This was another episode of Shit Talkin' that Jimmy and Dave did. It may have been the second one, but we can't remember what order they went up in.
In this one, Jimmy lays out his flawless plan to start picking up women.
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Shit Talkin' - What Women Want
Fuck You Du Jour - Mar 9
Today's Fuck You Of The Day: Jennelle from MTV's Teen Mom 2. You're a stupid, fuck up cunt. Your life is shit because you make it that way. Everything bad that happens to you is brought on by your own complete stupidity. You're a fucking waste. Go fuck yourself!! Read more!
Commercially Successful: The Zero Bar
Thirteen years ago, Zane looked at me as I ate a Zero bar and said, 'You know why they call it Zero? Because that's how many people other than you like them.' Very clever, Zane, but here we are thirteen years later and the Zero bar is still kicking it strong.
Now, plenty of candy bars have survived for a long time. But you know what makes the Zero bar so different and special? When was the last time you saw a commercial for Zero?
Exactly. They rely on amazing taste and an excellent brand to keep people coming back.
You taking notes Snickers? Why is it every time I turn on the TV, I have to see your commercials? Insecure much? Don't believe enough in your product enough that you feel the need to advertise it? Fucking losers.
More companies could take notes from Zero. Make an amazing product, and save the money on advertising. Great taste will do it for you.
Kudos to you, Zero bar. You're a trendsetter. You're the hip, hidden, underground club that only cool people go to of the candy bar world.
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Based On A True Story: Secret Bathroom
Setting: A small drug store.
Scene: Dave is stuck shopping with his girlfriend and really has to pee.
Fuck You Du Jour - Mar 8
Today's Fuck You Of The Day: Cadbury Eggs. You're fucking gross. Go fuck yourself!! Read more!
International Womens Day
This wonderous holiday was originally called the Candice Unibaker National Treasure day or C.U.N.T. day. The name was changed a few years later.
Candice Unibaker was a just like any other typical women with big'ol titties. She enjoyed sitting around the campfire playing with her vagina and making fart sounds with her armpits. Turns out she was a little too good and making fart sounds and that's when the world outlawed that sort of shit. This all happend about 200 years ago.
Fast forward to about 45 years ago and present day womens day is an internationally recognized holiday. Women from as many as one million countries gather to burn down houses and murder livestock. It was rumored that in Bolivia a bunch of chicks put thier underwear on their heads. That rumor was later confirmed.
International Womens Day has a rich history full of glory. It is a day to remember the sacrifice and hardship women have had to endure over the past several decades. One time these old ladies from Mexico started slamming thier crotches together so hard one fell off. That one's probably not true but we need to remeber shit like that.
Message To David
When Zane thought Dave had only a few weeks to live, he recorded all his feelings into a video. When he realized Dave was going to live a long time, he edited it down.
This is that video.
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Bad News
This was thrown together a few years back. Check out Zane's awesome green screen work and Dave's amazing artistic interpretation of a doctor's office.
This is what really happens when somebody gets bad news.
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