
Two Friends Talking About Starbucks and Mexican Jesus and That Guy From the Crying Game w/Jimmy and Zane

I can't speak for Jesus Christ, but I can tell you what my Mexican friend Jesus Hernandez thinks, and pal let me tell ya, he's none too pleased.

I bet not. How's Jesus Hernandez doing nowadays? Is he still healing lepers and walking on water?

No. He spends a great deal of his time smoking weed and racing slot cars. He says the lepers can fend for themselves.

That Jesus is one crazy S.O.B.! I heard someone say that he's never even won a single race. They said that when the race started he just sat there in his stupid slot car and was all like, what's going on? I mean c'mon Jesus, at least put the silly thing is gear. Did you know that the entry fee just to enter a race like that is around a thousand smackers? I wish I had that sort of dinero to flat out waste like that. He's loco. I sure as fuck wouldn't waste it on entry fees to races that I'm not going to attempt to win. What is he thinking Jimmy!?

He wasn't raised right. You've heard the phrase "raised by wolves", well he was literally raised by wolves. So, if you ever meet him and he tries to eat you, please don't take it personally.

Hold your goddamn horses! You're telling me that Jesus Hernandez was literally raised by actual no-shit horses?! I mean wolves!? That explains why he's always wearing sheep clothing, running in packs, and putting too much paprika in his deviled eggs. Well, maybe not the deviled eggs but definitely the other two. Either way, he can go jump out of a window. I'm through with that nonsense. I'm considering suing the fuck out of him or even slamming his head in a car door like an old-timey mobster tough guy would do. I always wanted to be a mobster tough guy but they wouldn't let me join because of the pretty dresses I always wore and because I was always dancing around pretending to be a ball-room ballerina. They didn't think I fit in with their "image".

Hey, what's the deal with deviled eggs? Are they eggs laid by the Devil? Am I going to Hell because I think they're delicious? And what's the deal with Starbucks? Why are they so expensive? And why do they have weird names for their cup sizes. It's like I gotta learn a whole new language just to get some cotton pickin' coffee. "I'd like a large, please." I say. "You mean grande?", they reply. "No, you little freak, a large!", I exclaim. "Sir, please put your penis back in your pants.", the manager cries.

Those are all valid questions and I wish I had an answer for them but I don't so get off my fucking back about it you nag!. On second thought, I do have an answer to why Starbucks is so expensive. It's because morons (me included but only sometimes) will pay whatever price they ask. I swear to fucking God that if Starbucks came out with a "super premium" blend and charged $20 a cup for it, they sell through the fucking roof. People would be lined up for miles to buy one. There'd be riots in every major city. People would literally kill each other just to say they bought one. Then after a couple days of this nonsense a few hipsters would blog about how it's sooo uncool to drink $20 cups of coffee and everyone would go back to doing heroin and making shitty music that four people like just because four people have heard it. A fifth person will then listen to the music, like it and that music instantly isn't cool anymore.
It's all a bunch of horseshit if you ask me.

I wonder if horses ever get self conscious that people compare negative things to horse shit. If someone compared my shit to something bad I'd be like, "Well excuse me!" I'd say it sarcastically, of course.

That exact thing happened to me about a year and a half ago. I was standing in line at Starbucks, waiting patiently for my grande latte frappichino with a double shot of espresso presso messo and the guy in front of me had the wrong coffee handed to him. He acted like a real jerk and told the barista the she needed to "go fuck herself" then compared the service he received to "Zane's shit". I was flabbergasted as you could imagine. I said "Well excuse me!" but I forgot to add any sarcasm to it ended just sounding like I was annoyed that it was taking so much time to have my order taken. The guy and the barista looked right at me and both gave the "Do you mind. I'm doing something here" look and I was so embarrassed that I fell on the ground and cried and let people step on me.

Forgive me for saying so but it sounds like you took the easy way out. When people step on you, you can't cry, you have to act like you enjoy it. Don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see you cry. Smile, give them the thumbs up if you have to, just make it convincing. That way they won't go home and write a letter to their grandma bragging about how they stepped on some guy and made him cry.

You know what, you are absolutely right. What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm a failure, I'm a cry baby, I'm not very smart, and I forgot to put gas in my car while I was out running errands this afternoon. I'm a piece of shit. People have been stepping on me for years now and I just lay there and take it like an old man in a coma takes a sponge bath. I'm going to take your advice and stop crying and start smiling. Sure, I'll get walked on just the same but I'm not giving them any more ammo for their jerk cannons. Starting today or tomorrow the new Zane is stepping out, laying down, and getting stepped on by anyone and everyone that has two feet and I fucking promise to God that I'll even accommodate motherfuckers in wheelchairs by flattening out as much as possible or rolling a little bit so that they can humiliate me as well!

Good for you. A little humiliation never hurt anyone. It's like that guy from The Crying Game. He found out the chick he made out with was a guy, but he said, "Ya know what, I'm not gonna let this fella's penis rain on my parade." A few years later, they got married and had a baby. And that baby went on to become radio sensation Casey Kasem.

And here is the rest of it. Read more!


Two Friends Talking About Jesus Christ and C and W and Sucking on Dirty Socks w/Jimmy and Zane

That's a very positive way of looking at it. Good job. I don't believe I've complimented you on your ability to look at the positive side of visiting a drug house/house of the Lord Savior Jesus Christ lately. You know what else I haven't done lately? Stick my head in the trash can and bobbed for garbage.

I would get on that if I were you. You don't wanna fall behind on your trash bobbing. Next thing you know, you'll be an old man retired living in a condo on the beach with a drink in your hand, without your head in a trash can like some kind of moron.

I worry about that very same thing happening to me when I turn into an old man. Wouldn't that be the worst super power of all time, turning into an old man? It's like, you're a perfectly healthy 30-something male, B-bopping your happy ass down the road, eating your curds and way, then out of fucking nowhere a cop turns his pistol on a crowd of innocent tourists! Well?!... What are you going to do!? BAM!!!! You turn into an old man and stand there clutching at your chest because all that excitement has given you a heart attack, that's what. What good was that? No good.

Yes that sounds terrible. Except for the curds and way part. I swear to God, I would suck anything you put in front of me for a bowl of C and W.

You better be careful who you say that sort of thing around. There's a lot of guys out there who'd give you all the C and W you could ask for just because they thought you'd suck on their dirty socks. Of course there's going to be some pervs who'd want you to suck on their couch cushions, but mostly it's going to be dirty sock guys.

That's true, but..........oh fuck, I just shit my pants. Hang on, I gotta go wipe my ass and change my clothes.

Sorry to hear about you shitting your pants. I know what an inconvenience that can be. At least you knew the proper steps that needed to be performed once you did shit your pants. Step one, go wipe your ass and THEN go on to step two which is of course, change your clothes. I couldn't even begin to count how many people I see everyday shitting their pants then IMMEDIATELY changing their clothes. I'm all like, are you serious? Where's the wiping!? Get with the program stupid.

I know. There's a serious lack of common courtesy, especially among today's youth. All they care about is their MTV and their Super Nintendo. They have absolutely zero respect for others, all they care about is trying to be cool like the Fonze.

They get it from that crazy/cool hip-cat Dean Martin and that "Rat Pack" who's always following him around. You know, sometimes I just wish he'd go jump in the lake. I know that sounds harsh but I truly feel he's corrupting our youth with all his twerking and crooning and meth-laced cigarettes. I bet you twenty dollars that Jesus wouldn't approve of that sort of tom-foolery.

And here is the rest of it. Read more!