
Spell Check with Google

This picture started out innocently enough. I drew this face and felt it needed something else to go along with it. Some words perhaps. The first phrase that popped into my head that made me laugh was Sexy Titties. I've been thinking of that ever since and it disturbs me a little. A very tiny little. Why the words 'sexy titties' popped into my head should be easy enough to understand. It's the fact that it made me laugh that's sort of weird. Not really, now that I'm thinking of it again. Putting the words SEXY TITTIES real big on some silly cartoon face for no reason is sort of funny. Either way, I had to look up how to spell the word titties. I didn't know if titties had one t or two so I googled the word titties. Normally when I'm spell checking through google words appear on that drop down thing and that lets me know if I'm spelling correctly or not but nothing with titties so I had to click the button. This brought me to a wonderful list of websites to which I have never had the pleasure of knowing existed. I'm not the type of guy who types random perverted words into search engines just to find porn. I'm not that type of guy because I'm afraid of getting a virus on my computer so I stick with one porn site that hasn't infected me yet. Well, the first site after searching titties seemed too tempting and I clicked. RateMyTitties.com it was. There was some shit about putting pics of girlfriends, wives, sisters, whatever up and people rating them. Good clean fun. I stayed on the site for awhile. You had to create a profile or some shit to rate the titties so I only had the pleasure of rating them in my head. It's not a bad site to visit if you want to see some good'ol fashion real women titties. It reminded me a lot of going to a biker ralley where any fat lady in her late fortys would whip out her saggy boobs for everyone to enjoy. I rate most of them 2's. My favorite picture was of this overweight red headed grandma, sitting on the floor spread eagle(white granny panties on) and there was a giant rebel flag hanging on the wall behind her. That one took me awhile to digest. I kept trying to imagine the events leading up to that picture being taken. My best guess is that she took the picture to send to her boyfriend who's locked up in the county pin for unpaid speeding tickets and marijuana possesion. She takes the picture and likes it so much she's compelled to seek out a website that accepts such works of art. After a quick search of the word titties on google she runs across RateMyTitties.com and the rest is history. Read more!