
Promissory Note

I bought a new car a few months ago. Nothing special. It's a Ford Fiesta or Ford Mexican Party. I'm sure that joke's been made before. It's not a bad car but I don't think there's anything about it that make me want to wear a sombrero and smash a pinata. No one should need a car to make them want to do that anyway. I got a loan through my bank for this car and I bought the car and now I'm driving the car and I really thought that was all there was to it. Not so says the bank. Turns out there's something called a "promissory note" that I'm suppose to give to the bank. They'll already given me the loan! If they needed me to pinky promise that I'd pay the loan back why didn't the 1)have me do that before they gave me a bunch of money or 2)if they're that worried about me not "promising" to pay the loan back, don't give me the loan! What jerk off at the bank comes up with a promissory note?

"Hello, I'm a big smart-ass banker and I have a shit load of money but before I give any of it to you you'll have to super duper promise to pay me back. No? Okay, I'll give you the money, let you drive around in your Mexican Party car and then send you a shit load of complicated paperwork for you to sign then I'll just keep sending it back to you every other day letting you know what a dipshit I think you are because you can't follow all of our very specific rules for filling out this paperwork".

I have literally sent these mother fuckers this "promissory note" three times and every time it comes back saying I either didn't initial someplace or I didn't sign something or I didn't put a check mark someplace or I didn't use number two pencil lead, it's quite possibly the most difficult paperwork in the history of paperwork and this is coming from a guy who had to fill out all the paperwork for his wife's green card.

Tomorrow I'm just going to go to the bank with my homework and I'm going to explain to the bank lady that I'm just too fucking stupid to figure this out and she's going to have to walk me through everything step by step like you would a little kid.

And here is the rest of it.

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