
Robot dog brings joys to crazy old folk

Some mad scientists did a study recently to find out just how lonely and crazy old people in nursing homes are. They took three groups of crazy and lonely old people and one group was visited each week by "Slur pie" a beagle puppy, the next group got a robot dog, and the last group (my favorite group) they got shit. No one came to see the last group except these scientists who only came to see just how much crazier and lonelier this group was than the others.

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I'm just picturing four to seven starved for attention men and women in their 90's strapped to a wheelchair in a empty room with 10 to 12 guys in lab coats standing around them with clipboards. The old folk are trying to wheel to them with an outstretched hand desperately hoping for some human contact and these scientists just keep writing. They make notes like this

The results of this mess was that the robot dog group seemed just as happy being visited by a the robot as the real dog group. What does all this prove? That a robot dog is just as nice to be around as a real dog? I think this all started out as a "my grandma is crazier than yours" argument. One guys like "My grandma is so crazy she thinks it's still 1967." and the other ones like "Oh yeah, my grandpa is so crazy he fishes in the bathtub. And he thinks he catches fish!" the last guys goes "I gave my grandma one of those crappy robot dogs and she likes it so much I don't have to visit her as often." All the other jackass science guys thought that was great and wanted to see it their elders would react the same way because they hate visiting them too. Next thing you know they have a grant and they're studying old folk.

I wish I was one of those science guys. I would have peed on the old people..

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