What do you do when you're a snack company that's been around for over a decade, but yet still haven't embedded yourself in the pop culture main stream? Recently, Sun Chips, the delicious chip type snack, had to answer that dilemma.

With their new ad campaign centered around the slogan "The Best Snack You've Never Had", or something like that, Sun Chips are reminding people that they've been around forever and you still don't give a shit about them.
The commercials involve some lady annoying people on the street into picking a few Sun Chips over free popcorn. Yet nobody on the popcorn's payroll is annoying people into picking it, so it seems a bit unfair. Plus, who the fuck doesn't know what popcorn is? Here, take this snack you've known about for your entire life, or this snack that you and the entire world have managed to ignore during it's entire existence.
It's the equivalent of the nerd sitting in the corner going up to the hottest girl in school who doesn't even know he exists and saying, "Hey, you hot piece of ass you, we've been in the same class since kindergarten. Now let's fuck."
That's not gonna work out very well.
Not to be a dick or an asshole to the environment, but maybe if Sun Chips were more concerned about the product inside their bag than the actual bag itself, maybe people would eat the shit. Seriously, Google or try to do any type of research on Sun Chips. All you'll find is information on the bag and how awesome the company is for the environment.
That's all fine and good, but the end result is just like the hot chick said to the naked tree hugging hippie: "It's cool you're into the environment and stuff, but that's not going in my mouth."
In short, Sun Chips have built their entire latest ad campaign around reminding people that they're the mildly attractive boy with good intentions that still can't get anybody to fuck him of the snack world.
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