
Two Friends Talking About Dogshit Casserole w/Jimmy and Zane

Yeah most babies like to party. The ones I hang out with do anyway.

Speaking of parties, do you want to come to my facebook message party? It's going to be a lot of fun. I mean a whole hella lotta fun. Hella fun.
By "party" you realize I mean "just sending messages back and forth" and by "hella fun" I mean "fun fun dum dum with some rum and a bum eating chum".
I hope you don't think I'm insulting your intelligence by explaining that to you. You're a hip cat and is all downs with the local lingo. I know that.

Sounds swell. Should I bring a casserole?

Holy shit. Did you read the entire message? This party will take place entirely on facebook! Of course I want you to bring a casserole!

Ok I'll email you some green bean casserole. It's a large casserole file, so you may have to reheat.

That's fine. Put it in a zip lock file before you email it. Also, don't add any extra "nonsense" to the casserole this time. I thought you overdid the "funny" ingredients the last time we did this. Pepper? Really? Corn? C'mon!? Little rubber stamps in the shape of Florida with the saying 'It's always cooler in the Panhandle' written undernearth!!?? I don't need that type of shit in my casserole.

Ok I'll leave that stuff out but I don't think you'll like it as much. Without all those extra ingredients it's not really a casserole, it's just dogshit. Delicious dogshit.

I like eating dogshit. I even put dogshit on my eggs. Some people think that's gross but I don't care. One time, I was at this little piece of shit restaurant in the middle of nowhere, eating my dogshit covered eggs and this little girl walks up to me and says "Ewww gross! Mommy, that guy is eating eggs!"

Kids hate eggs. Which is ironic because they hatch from eggs.

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