
Dude Builds Robot, Fights Crime

Some dude in Atlanta, GA has turned an old BBQ smoker into a magical robot armed with a spotlight, loud speaker, infrared lazer and a super duper water cannon in an effort to defer crime near a local daycare center.

The dude calls his creation Bum-Bot, while locals go for the more homeless friendly name of Robocop.

Bum-Bot Robocop is used nightly to patrol the area near a local daycare where hookers, drug dealers, homeless people, Lindsay Lohan, murderers, kid touchers and accountants gather when the sun goes down.

The daycare happens to also be within a block of the local homeless shelter, which loclas claim leads to a lot of the riff-raff. First off, what a shitty location for a day care. When I need my kids wathced, drug dealer hotspot isn't the first part of the neighborhood I'm going to. Secondly, how does the homeless shelter feel about this? Not happy, that's how.

"He thinks he's attacking only criminals with his super duper water cannon, but what he's not realizing is he's using it on a lot of our innocent patrons," said some uptight bitch from the homeless shelter.

The need for Bum-Bot Robocop came about after the area outside the daycare was corroded every morning with used needles, condoms, crack pipes and leftover drugs. That's when the dude who built this thing decided it was time to take action.

"I don't want the kids every morning playing with used needles, condoms, crack pipes and leftover drugs. Those aren't good toys," said the dude who built this thing.

On a side note, the dude happens to own a bar in the immediate area and has had problems with breakins in the past. But this crime fighting robot has nothing to do with his troubles. It's all for the kids.

"Creating this robot has nothing to do with my troubles," he added. "It's all for the kids."

So, if you're in need of a new daycare, Beacon of Light in downtown Atlanta is always looking for new clients. They're easy to find, located right between a bar, a homeless shelter and the best crack dealer safehaven in town.

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