
Soap Fans Want More Gay

Fans of the long running "As The World Turns" are outraged at a storyline involving two of the show's characters in a gay romance. For once, this isn't homophobic outrage though. It's the opposite of that. Homoloveic? I'm really not sure if there's an anonym for phobia.

Anyways, the outrage isn't that there's a gay relationship on their beloved show, but rather that the gay relationship isn't gay enough. Lonely women throughout America have started letter writing campaigns and online petitions to show their disgust in the fact the two dudes haven't kissed onscreen since September. The september kiss was only their second, the first one being in August, which is believed to be the first time two dudes have kissed on a daytime soap. Believed to be? You'd think there'd be somebody out there keeping better stats than that.

Basically, what this all comes down to, is that next time you're wondering if raving soap fans have anything better to do with their lives, stop wondering. The answer is clearly no.

On the flip side, the Homophobic Alliance National Branch (H.A.N.D.) gives mad props to "As The World Turns" for making the story homophobe friendly.

"It's nice to see them handling this story so gently. They're pleasing us without sacrificing their gay storyline," says H.A.N.D. President Norman Fabulous. "It's excellent to finally have a love story between two young men that we can really get behind."

Producers of the show react to the entire thing by patting themselves on their backs. They remain confident in the fact that their storyline is groundbreaking and would love it if their lonely female viewers would concentrate more on what they are showing, as opposed to what they aren't.

"We're telling an excellent, engaging story," one producer said. "There's really no reason we can't have it both ways, just like our characters."

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