
Old Lady Goes Crazy, Punches Cop

An 80 year old Florida woman went crazier than usual after a traffic stop on Saturday.

After being pulled over for an improper lane change, 80 year old Thalia Logas refused to sign her citation and felt it was a better idea to repeatedly punch the cop in the stomach and chest.

The police officer, who also happens to be a pussy, had to call for backup to restrain the crazy old lady. It wasn't until another officer arrived that they were able to get her into handcuffs and place her in the back of the squad car. While in the back of the car though, she used her wrinkly old frail wrists to wiggle out of the handcuffs and throw them out the window, hitting an innocent duck passing by.

"We had to make sure we were careful," said one of the officers. "She's old, and old people are easy to break. We didn't want to do that. The paperwork for broken old people is ridiculous."

The crazy old lady, who dyes her hair, was released on bond and instantly praised by the local chapter of Old People Who Hate Cops (OPWHC).

When asked by family what caused her actions, Logas summed it up perfectly.

"I'm old!," she said. "Where's my pancakes!"

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