
Goat To Hell, Doggie!!

A Boston dog has been sentenced to death by the city council after brutally raping and murdering a goat.

Niko, a six-year old black lab of sorts, viciously ripped the fuck out of Miss Daisy, the goat next door.

Animal rights activists think the death penalty may be a little too harsh, but the city council feels it's more than a just punishment. Miss Daisy's owner, Richard Circlesquare, strongly disagrees.

"Fuck those animal rights cocksuckers!" Circlesquare exclaimed. "Miss Daisy never harmed a soul, and all she got in return was violently raped and murdered. That motherfucker tore the fuck out of my goat. He deserves to die! He deserves to burn in hell!!"

The city council released a statement saying their decision was made after following the advice of local animal control specialist, Bob Barker.

"We make a decision, and anybody who disagrees with it can go fuck themselves," the council says in the statement.

Niko has refused to speak to the media, but his owner/lawyer Mike Pissanti has his own theories.

"Everybody seems happy with this verdict," he stated. "But the real killer is still out there. I would bet my life that Miss Daisy was bastardly raped by a coyote. And that coyote knows there's a dog right next door to take the fall. They got the wrong dog. The real killer is stalking his next victim as we speak, and he's very wiley."

Niko's past doesn't help support his owner/lawyer's claim, as he has a record longer than a horse's cock.

That dog's gonna die.

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