
NY dentist arrested for laughing

SMITHTOWN, N.Y. - A Long Island dentist was arrested after one of his patients called the police and ratted him out for inhaling nitrous oxide or "laughing gas" as it's more commonly known.

Dr. Jip Cocksuckinston says he's been "partying" on the job for years.

"I work on peoples teeth for fucks sake. It's not like I'm cutting their heart out or something. Cut me some slack yo!"

The state of NY did not see this as a "laughing" matter.

"We feel that doctors should not be abusing anything while working. If they want to get all fucked up after work then that's cool but as long as they have their hands all up on someone then they have to be sober."

Dr. Cocksuckingston is currently free on a 4 billion dollar bail. He said he sucked on an old ladies boobs and butt to raise that much money.

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