
Heroic Chick Uses Brakes Heroically!!!

Remember that awesome movie Speed? You know, the one about the bus that wants to blow up but those good looking people won't let it? This story is kind of like the real life version of that, except instead of blowing up, this bus wanted to kill a lot of elementary school children.

That is until some 15 year old chick was heroic enough to step on the brakes, stopping the out of control bus and ruining a disaster potentially more awful than Speed 2.

The chick, who happened to be skipping school, was on the school bus with over 40 elementary school students. Now, it's obvious what you're thinking, and no it makes absolutely no sense that some chick skipping school was on a school bus. Apparently she needed a ride and figured a school bus was the best form of transportation, so she asked the driver for a ride home. Again, it's obvious that you're wondering what kind of school bus driver is picking up school aged hitchikers.

Clearly not very good ones. Ones that could possibly fall out of their seat and hit their heads after making a routine right turn, putting the lives of over 40 elementary school students and one chick skipping school in danger.

Lucky for those kids though that this chick is better at saving lives than playing hooky. She heroically jumped out of her seat and used her heroic feet to heroically step on the brake pedal, bringing the death trap of a bus to a heroic stop. Nobody was injured during the fiasco, but two parked cars got completely fucked up.

"I really don't think Speed 2 was as bad as people make it out to be," said former relevant actor Jason Patric. "I'd be down for making a third one if they called me. I have some awesome ideas to complete the trilogy."

Though the school and community are thankful that this chick prevented all those kids from becoming dead, they're not too happy about her skipping school. For her actions, this chick was handed a Saturday suspension.

"I'm stoked to meet her this weekend. I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans we get into together," said former relevant actor Judd Nelson.

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